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March Update


History will, no doubt, remember  October 7, 2023. For too many, that date marked the beginning of a nightmare. On that same weekend, we launched the ministry training center. For years, we worked to build a team aimed at launching this training center. We aim to do all we can to equip leaders and church planters to reach the unreached in Lebanon and beyond. 

With the news the world heard the same weekend we held our training orientation, most of our eighty-four students assumed we would suspend our work and leave the country. Lebanon has witnessed these events before; typically, those who can leave do leave. However, both the leading of the Lord in our hearts in prayer and the natural understanding of the situation and information we had from government sources supported our decision to remain and continue training. We did not understand the importance of that decision at the time. However, the message the students and the twelve churches they represent heard was that we believed in what we are doing and in them. 

Where is Lebanon?

In the months that have passed, the conflict has remained isolated in Gaza and targeted towards the group that carried out the October 7 attacks. Though there have been rocket and drone attacks along the border with Lebanon, life in the capital and northern coastal plain continues as usual. We see this as a beautiful answer to prayer and manifestation of the grace of God. Like the three men thrown into the fire in Daniel 3, it may not look like it through the lens of the news, but our family and our team are safe and well. That is because, like them, we are not alone. Your support and prayers for us mean that, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, we remain unaffected by the conflict.

We know the instruction to pray for leaders and those in authority (1 Timothy 2:2). The purpose is for the Gospel to GO to those yet unreached (1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9). Please continue to pray for us and our team, according to 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2.