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Eli & Nisreen

CityGate Church

We had lunch with an extraordinary couple enrolled in our ministry training school a few days ago. Eli and Nisreen gave their heart to Jesus in 2019 when some missionaries (not us) shared the Gospel in a cafe. Within a short time, they gathered others and led to the Lord in their home until it was overfilled with new believers. Elie told me, “We didn’t plant to start a church, we were just sharing what Jesus did for us.” Two years ago, they rented a small place with a room that holds about 50 people – now they have outgrown that!

Eli and Nisreen do not live in Beirut. They are located in Zahle in the Bekaa valley bordering Syria. Despite the challenges, their commitment to be the beacon of light in a dark region of Lebanon is why we moved our family to the Middle East. They bring 13 of their key leaders 90 minutes one way to attend the ministry training center. In addition, GoChurch Beirut has helped them organize city-wide outreaches. 

This couple has negotiated a lease on a strategically located plot of land and asked us to partner with them in any capacity to build the first spirit-filled church in the Bekaa

We are excited because their vision answers our prayer that the Word will have free course and speed through this region (2 Thess 3:1). 

100% of the funds given to CityGate Church will go to the building project. The Hattabaughs (Go Middle East, INC) are collecting and processing the funds at no cost to Pastor Eli and Nisreen.