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Matthew Hattabaugh

March Update


History will, no doubt, remember  October 7, 2023. For too many, that date marked the beginning of a nightmare. On that same weekend, we launched the ministry training center. For years, we worked to build a team aimed at launching this training center. We aim to do all we can to equip leaders and church


welcome, but do not touch

Welcome, But Don’t Touch

Around Easter, we remember the Passion and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. He is ALIVE! These events begin with Jesus’ Triumphant Entry (Mark 11:7-10). Everything about God’s redemptive plan for us is triumphant!  Those who went in front and those who followed were shouting: “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the

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We Work In Teams

Team Strategy

Our mission is not merely a calling but a strategic endeavor. With a focus on training leaders and church planters across 22 Middle Eastern and North African nations, we have celebrated more than 2,000 decisions for Christ, 3 church plants, and over 5 million views of our monthly online broadcast.

Team Strategy Read More »

Leader Qualities

The Five Most Important Qualities of Leadership

Leadership is a subject that has garnered significant attention both within and outside the academic world, with 77% of organizations recognizing leadership as a critical issue (Silva, 2014). Despite the extensive research and myriad perspectives on what constitutes effective leadership, there is little consensus. This post aims to bridge the gap by defining and discussing

The Five Most Important Qualities of Leadership Read More »