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Luxury of Indifference

Have you ever looked at James 5 in the light of Jesus’ instruction to pray for laborers and His command to GO everywhere with the Gospel of Jesus?  Download this...

CityGate Church We had lunch with an extraordinary couple enrolled in our ministry training school a few days ago. Eli and Nisreen gave their heart to Jesus...


History will, no doubt, remember  October 7, 2023. For too many, that date marked the beginning of a nightmare. On that same weekend, we launched the ministry training...

Welcome, But Don’t Touch

Around Easter, we remember the Passion and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. He is ALIVE! These events begin with Jesus’ Triumphant Entry (Mark 11:7-10)...

Team Strategy

Our mission is not merely a calling but a strategic endeavor. With a focus on training leaders and church planters across 22 Middle Eastern and North African nations, we...

It Doesn’t Fit Inside a Little Bottle

In Matthew 26:6-10, we see a glimpse of the eternal. This woman, as she is described by her gender only, came to Jesus with one purpose, which was to take her precious...

Annual eMagazine

Each year, the Hattabaughs produce an IMPACT report that profiles stories and testimonies of what the Lord is doing in Beirut and beyond. None of this would be possible...

Praying for Laborer’s to GO by

Luke 10:2 KJV: Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth...

The Five Most Important Qualities of Leadership

Leadership is a subject that has garnered significant attention both within and outside the academic world, with 77% of organizations recognizing leadership as a critical...